Hey Sidney here. My English teacher assigned a project, we were to read a biography ,than write a book report on it. i did mine on Mary Shelley(Frankenstein creator). as i was reading this book i came across a paragraph, most likely the best thing I've read in a while. here it is...
"They wish to separate us, my beloved; but death shall unite us." he offered her the bottle. " by this you can escape from tyranny." he pulled a small pistol from his pocket and pointed it at himself. "and this shall reunite me to you"
Jane screamed and shrieked. Mary turned pale. tears streaming down her cheeks, she begged Shelley to clam himself, to go home. "i won't take this laudanum," she told him, " but if you will only be responsible and calm, i promise to be ever faithful to you." Mary's words and manner cooled him down. once the melodramatic scene had run its course Shelley left the house.
love it i have to go help my dad set up his new kindle fire and my mom pack for our rock star vacation !!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Posted by
7:52 AM
New Internet Ways
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Hello! And welcome to my newest blog post on the Duke News! I wished that I could of posted more over the last year but now I am in eighth grade and my homework amount is ridiculous. I am very tired from all the homework and just boredom that the eighth grade has brought me.
The idea of wireless internet in our home has brought me great pleasure in the fact of Netflix and internet on the Wii. Actually that last one is my newest achievement thanks to my friends from down the street. If his mom reads this I hope she tells him thank you for me. The beauty of this is that everyone in our family can watch different shows on Netflix,DVD, or regular TV on any of the four TVs hooked up to some kind of a device to view... I guess.
I just realized that would make us be in different rooms which would separate us. Tell me what you think about this. If you're interested to send me a comment on this subject or anything for that matter our blog is The Duke News. See you later!
Posted by
5:34 PM
Everything cool
Hey! I'm back!!!! So is anyone as crazy as I am for Harry Potter!? K, so probably not, but still. Like take Dumbledore, in the words of Kingly Shacklebolt, "You may not like it Minister, but theres no dening it, Dumbledores got style." Plus anyone with an accent of any type is fun to listen to. I don't know how different I would be without Harry Potter.... actually, I think I would be dry and tasteless. I watch Harry Potter at least once every week.
I am typing this post from my mom's new laptop. It has a web cam see... Ok so I don't remember how to work it, but I will learn later.
Hey? Has anyone been on free rice .com? It's this really cool website. You pick a subject, than answer trivia questions about it. For every question you get right you donate ten grains of rice to the hungry. Here's the link: http://freerice.com/category
So I'm reading Matched By Ally Condie, Point Blank By Anthony Horowitz, and The Death Cure (a signed copy) by James Dashner ( here's his blog http://www.jamesdashner.com/ ) they are all sooo good and I recomend them to anyone.
Does anyone know were I can find a good copy of either Lego Harry Potter yr.5-7 for the wii or Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?
Hey, so click this vidio:
Posted by
12:39 PM
Friday, March 11, 2011
Hi! guess what... Its Friday field-trip day BA DA ba Ba BA I'm loving it!!!! That's my fam's Friday song. Okay, now on to serious bid-ness. When you where a kid, did you ever got caught daydreaming in class? HONK!!! Time's up. If you answered and you said yes, Tisk! You're a disgrace. But if you said no, good! Here's how it goes... You daydream, but every minute or so you tune in, so that if you get called on you don't look like a fool.
I daydream about important stuff. Like...what I'm going to do when I grow up; about tests that I've taken; art class; why I'm not another person; and about the good book I'm reading. While others in my class dream about bizarre things. Like my friend, Lily. All she thinks about is food: pie, tacos, chocolate, (then again, who doesn't dream about chocolate??). And she thinks about hurting the person next to her, (a boy she doesn't like).
Enough about daydreaming. Let's talk glue. I like to play with glue. It's fun to put a glop of glue on my index finger and squish it with my thumb. Then pull my fingers apart and wait for a while. When the glue dries, I can peel it off like a second skin. It tickles me! Sometimes I get a piece of paper and glue stuff down to it so that it's smooth. I wait for a while until it dries, then it's a great picture with lots of texture, kind of like the fossil pictures in my science book. (That thing is heavy -- the science book, I mean.) Mop. I wonder what it would be like to try to mop up glue? Would the glue have enough time to dry -- like in the cartoons -- before the person moved the mop? Or would it just be a sticky mess? It'd take a while to peel that off.
.....hmmmm, something to daydream about.....
Posted by
3:53 PM
Labels: By Sidney, Random Thoughts
Bernard Pivot's Blogfest
Sunday, February 20, 2011
- What is your favorite word? Perfect, because I know perfection cannot be achieved.
- What is your least favorite word? Gayfer, because who cares if you're gay, which I'm not b.t.w. people often use it as an insult.
- What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Art, because it's an impression on what your feeling.
- What turns you off? Discrimination against cultures that some people are not even qualified to act as if they know about.
- What is your favorite curse word? f#@k, even though I'm not supposed to say it.
- What sound or noise do you love? The sound of a warm, happy, and busy kitchen.
- What sound or noise do you hate? The sounds of war and death.
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Graphic artist because I can draw words, and make them not look like words.
- What profession would you not like to do? Mental hospital worker, couldn't take all the people there.
- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Welcome to your second home...
Posted by
4:31 PM
Labels: By Cody
Bernard Pivot Blogfest -- Sidney Edition
Saturday, February 19, 2011
- What is your favorite word? Klunk, because I think it is simple in meaning (BTW it means poop).
- What is your least favorite word? Fail, it may mean I failed a test (which I never have).
- What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? When I experience something juicy that has good detail.
- What turns you off? When someone forces me too write about some thing that I can't relate to.
- What is your favorite curse word? Um...... see I'm only 10 almost 11 and I'm not allowed to curse, but I replace curse words with klunk ;)
- What sound or noise do you love? Birds softly tweeting when I wake up.
- What sound or noise do you hate? The math fact music at school.
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I would like to work at a pottery painting store.
- What profession would you not like to do? A nurse, things that nurses have to do make me want to barf.
- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "They was right and you were wrong, Do DA, Do DA, they was right and you was wrong all the Do DA day!"
Posted by
2:59 PM
50 Books in a Year
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Hey, like the title suggests I am reading 50 books in one year. Crazy right? But so far I've done not to bad I'm reading book fifteen right now. I have a theory on how I read so fast... time slows down when I pick up a book and begin reading. Still sound crazy don't I.

Posted by
4:07 PM