
Hello?...  Is this thing on?  I guess it is ...  This page may say Codeman but on the inside its all 100% Cody!!!  I like the idea my mom and little sister are doing so I'm going to do 12 things about me.  (I'm doing 12 so I don't copy anyone.)

12 Things about ME!!

  1. I love LEGO stuff anything LEGO I want!!!:D
  2. I read very fast.  (I read the Harry Potter series in 4 months.)
  3. My birthday is June 13th.
  4. I have one little sister.  (I'm sure you have read her work.)
  5. I'm in the sixth grade.
  6. I have 7 Webkinz.
  7. I am on the JMS Action News team at my school.
  8. Not only do I like LEGOs but BIONCLE s too.
  9. I live in Georgia.
  10. I was born in southern France.
  11. I can't finish a single story I write.
  12. And last but not least, okay it is least, I like cheese!!!!! 
That's all 12 things you need to know about me.  (Notice I said need to know NOT want to know...)
    Codeman out.