Though she was feeling better, Sidney was a tiny bit optimistic in yesterday's post. Turns out, she has more ailing her than a passing fever. The throat culture came back positive. Yes, Big Sid has Strep:(
A round of antibiotics will do the trick, along with lots of rest and relaxation.
Keep her in your thoughts and prayers!
~Have a wonderful day~
Hi Big Sid!
Here it is your 10th birthday already! Happy Birthday sweetheart! I got my first bike on my 10th birthday and even though it was so long ago, I still remember how it felt to be 10. Of course, now it probably feels different. Anyway, your're growing up so fast; we love your poetry and being able to see your pictures. It was good you got feeling better in time for a Happy Birthday! Much Love, Poppy Jim
Grammy sends much love and a very Happy 10th Birthday!
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